Women’s World Peace
Program Dates: October 7-11, 2024
Location: Corrymeela Peace Center, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland
Cost: With appreciation to our donors, Dignity Beyond Borders will provide all costs associated with the retreat including transportation, lodging, meals, and activities.
Attending: 4 military widows from the U.K, US, France, and Lebanon
Contact: liz@dignitybeyondborders.org
Women’s World Peace
Founded in 2019, Women’s World Peace is a trauma-informed retreat, that brings together military widows whose loved ones died in military service. The program addresses grief issues and rebuilds a sense of safety and dignity for each individual. Participants include citizens from the United States, Lebanon, France, and the United Kingdom.
Program Goals
Help participants rebuild themselves
Share experiences among participants to fight against isolation
Allay apprehensions that may exist between different cultures
Create an international network of women who become bearers of the message of peace
Program Overview
Participants and therapists meet for four days in a member country of the project. The program includes:
Facilitated group dialogue to address issues of trauma, grief, family stress, and physical well-being
Sessions in art therapy
Opportunities for socialization, recreation, and tourism